Our big brothers and big sisters are our camp counselors. Each big camper is paired with 2 kids for the entire week.

Big Campers

Our cousins offer support to the big campers and kids. They are assigned a cabin group to spend the week with.


Our chapel team spends the mornings leading our drama, songs, and bible stories. In the afternoon they are paired with cabin groups to support and participate in activities.

Chapel Team

Our camp aunts and uncles add the dimension of extended family to camp. They are assigned a cabin group to support for the week. Our aunts and uncles can be found helping out wherever needed most during the week.

Aunts & Uncles

Our camp grandmas and grandpas add the dimension of extended family to camp. They are often found running our Grandmas Games and Grandpas Garage activity stations. They are also our best bedtime story tellers!

Grandmas & Grandpas

Our activities team runs special activities and events throughout the week. Some of our activities include crafts, fishing, a royal banquet, and birthday party.


Our nursing team is responsible for ensuring health and safety for everyone at camp. They work as a team to treat any illness and injuries as well as administer medications at camp.

Nursing Team

Our photographers capture memories for our campers during the week. They ensure that each camper has 10-12 photos to put in a memory book and take home with them at the end of the week


Our therapy team consists of 4-6 professionals who have experience in working with kids from hard places. The team works together to support the emotional and behavioral needs of our campers.

Therapy Team